General Information

I started to build this web site in late October 2008, so it is over 16 years old.  I try to update it fairly regularly, so do come back to see new content.  The bulk of the content is William's and expresses his views.  If you take exception to any of the content, please blame him!  You can contact us at:  I designed the site for screen resolutions at least 1280 across as this seems to be a reasonable minimum these days, and I built it using WYSIWYG Web Builder software. 

Wherever you see
text like this, you can get additional information by hovering your mouse cursor on it.  All photographs & external links open in a new window, while most internal page links open in the same window. 

Feel free to link to this site, preferably to the home page, but please refer to the Terms of Use for important copyright information.  Please note that I am extremely intolerant of hot-linking; if I find hot-linking to our images, I have been known to substitute some
"very inappropriate" alternatives!  Please report any problems to   The site is tested using Edge (version 134.0.3124.51),  Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.  There are known issues with Opera if you use the Opera Turbo feature, though the slide shows are rather jerky in their presentation.  Some readability issues have been reported when using a Mac.     

I am aware that this site is not "smart-phone" friendly, but I do not have the time to make those sorts of enhancements at present. 

News, Views & Changes

Oct 27th 2024 Added a raft of new pictures mainly from our Alaska cruises, though many of them are from Victoria, British Columbia.  This is usually the last port on the itinerary so I include it in the Alaska cruise section. 

Yet another trigger finger; left pinky.   Had a cortizone shot just over a year ago so hope for another one as we are so busy it would be hard to fit in a surgery.  Maybe next year for that. 

Our lovely old Infiniti is closing in on 100,000 miles!  Had it checked over with no issues!  Apart from routine servicing, tires (it eats them!), a new battery and brakes the only issue we have had was a wheel bearing.  If they still made this model we would get another one like a shot, but the replacement is a rather bland design with a 4 cylinder engine.  I cannot bring myself to pay upwards of $60,000 or $70,000 dollars for something with a four cylinder engine.  Just goes against the grain.  So we plan to keep it for a few more years until something appealing comes along, hopefully an electric with at least a 400 to 500 mile range. 
Feb 4th 2025
Making massive changes to the way the site is structured.  Most of the changes are invisible to visitors, but make maintenance and support much easier! 
Feb 28th 2025 First part of the restructuring completed! 


Why Can't I own a Canadian?

Bonus Question on Hell

Church Bulletin Blooper

Always Check Your Child's Homework


Morgan Freeman on your Brain!