These tables give some idea of the approximate scale of the solar system, and puts into perspective its distance from some much more distant objects. 

Solar System -


Scale Diameter
in inches
Scale Radius
of Orbit
Sun 110.00
Mercury 0.38 380 feet
Venus 0.95 710 feet
980 feet
30 inches from Earth
Mars 0.53 1,493 feet
Asteroid Belt             N/A 1,800 to  3,300 feet
Jupiter 11.21 0.97 miles
Saturn 9.45 1.78 miles
Uranus 4.00 3.57 miles
Neptune 3.88 5.59 miles
Kuiper Belt Objects: Pluto
SDOs & DOs
Oort Cloud
0.18 5.50 to 9.15 miles
c. 6 to >40 miles
c. 370 to >10,000 miles
Scale: 1:500,000,000
Object Scale Distance
   Diameter of the Sun A grain of sand, about
0.009 inches across
   Earth < 1/10,000th inch across,
< one inch from the Sun
Nearest Star (Proxima Centauri) 4.24 Miles from Earth
Diameter of Milky Way c. 100,000 Miles
Andromeda Galaxy c. 2.5 Million Miles from Earth
Lynx Arc Supercluster c. 40 Billion miles from Earth
(comoving distance on this scale)
Scale: 1:6,000,000,000,000
This scale is approximately 1 mile to 1 light-year.  In the model below, I have rescaled the Sun to be the size of a grain of sand; a little under one hundredth of an inch across.  The Earth would be about the size of a bacterium!  In the real Universe, the Andromeda Galaxy, for example, is actually about 778 Kpc away.  That's over 15,000,000,000,000,000,000 miles away; and Andromeda is our nearest large galaxy! 
One last statistic.  If we scaled our entire solar system, out to the Kuiper Belt, to the size of a grain of sand. The Lynx Arc Supercluster would still be nearly 110,000 miles away, and the comoving diameter of the observable Universe, to the same scale, would be represented by a sphere about 250,000 miles in diameter (in reality, it is about 28 Gpc or 93 Billion Light-Years in diameter)


Click here to return to te view in metric units.
The model below scales the Sun as a globe 110 inches in diameter, with the Earth at one inch in diameter.  All the other distances are to this same scale.  Orbital radii are based on the semi-major axis except for Pluto, as its orbit is extremely eccentric.