LIGO, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, comprises a pair of "L" shaped detectors with
arms 4 kilometers (about 2½ miles) long; LIGO Livingston in Louisiana and LIGO Hanford on the Hanford Nuclear
Reservation. They are 3,002 kilometers (1,865 miles) apart. The laser beam travels up and down the arms up to
75 times giving an effective length of up to 300 km (nearly 190 miles). It has been in operation since 2002, but
has yet to report a confirmed detection of any gravity waves.
The mirrors within the system are so well protected from outside interference that the random vibrations of the
atoms in the mirrors is detectable. To be successful, LIGO must measure a change in the distance between the
mirrors as small as one thousandth the diameter of a proton; that is, down to 10-18 meters. The whole system is
contained in a vacuum so rarified it is at approximately one-trillionth of an atmosphere. At the same time, the
vacuum container has a volume of about 28,000 cubic meters (almost 300,000 cubic feet).
Enhanced LIGO went on-line in 2009, and Advanced LIGO, with around ten times the sensitivity, first went fully on-
line in September 2015. It has the capability of looking much further into the Universe, increasing the number of
sources in its range by a factor of 1,000, as shown in the diagram above to the right. The original LIGO
experiments shut down at the end of 2010 to allow the upgrade to Advanced LIGO.
On 17, February 2016, the Indian Government approved construction of a third Ligo array in India. Planned
completion is end 2023.
On 11 February, 2016, the LIGO team announced that they had detected gravitational waves from the merging of
two black holes with masses of around 29 and 36 solar masses. The event occurred about 1.3 billion light years
away, and was recorded on September 14th 2015. Two black holes of masses approximately 36 and 29 solar
masses merged to produce a single black hole of 62 solar masses with the equivalent of three solar masses
radiated as gravitational waves.
A second detection occurred on 26 December 2015 about 1.4 billion light years away. The black holes were of
significantly lower mass; 14 and 8 solar masses, and resulted in a 21 solar mass black hole with one solar mass
The third detection on 4 January 2017 was about 3 billion light years away; significantly further than the first two
detections. The masses involved were intermediate to the first two resulting in a 49 solar mass black hole.