

Quantum Gravity

This section covers a wide range of related topics, all of which essentially attempt to address the integration of Quantum Physics with General Relativity to give a Quantum view of Gravity.  When attempting to apply quantum field theory to gravity, using gravitons as the force particle (boson), the results are not renormalizable.  It ends up predictong that some properties have infinite vales; for example the mass of sub-atomic particles.  Thus the theory fails to make reasonable predictions, and does not give results that match observations and measurements. 

Here are the basics about some of the various different ways physicists are approaching Quantum Gravity with links to interesting web sites that give more detailed information, some highly technical, though most are approachable. 

Video - An Introduction to Quantum Gravity

This video is an introduction to two aspects of Quantum Gravity that I discuss in this section; Loop Quantum Gravity and String Theory.  It is non-technical. 
Video from YouTube.


